My current focus is on honing my skills in web development, Java programming, video editing, and game development. During my spare moments, I passionately contribute to open-source projects, and I'm always eager to take on new opportunities. If you're in need of my expertise, I'm available for hire and ready to bring your projects to life! i love cats
Highschool / Senior High:Dalipuga E.S (G1-G2) Kiwalan E.S (G3-G5) Sta. Filomena E.S (G6)
College:Iligan City East National Highschool (STA FILOMENA) (G7-G12)
Currently studying in MSU IIT (BSIT Major in Networks Management)
Here's some snippets of my projects!
preview of my resume
Send me a message and reach me in the given socials at the last page <3